Building Food Security: The role of Government and NGOs in feeding the Poor

Building Food Security: The role of Government and NGOs in feeding the Poor

Food is one of the essential basic needs of humans. It is often stated that food, clothing, and shelter are fundamental human needs. Despite its basic nature, food remains essential.

In Nigeria, a developing nation like many others, there are both rich and poor people, with the poor constituting a larger percentage of the population. This underscores the importance of creating mechanisms to feed the poor and help lift them out of poverty.

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Why should the Poor be constantly fed?

It is important to address this question: Why should we feed the poor? There are several reasons.


Firstly, the poor are humans and an integral part of our nation. To coexist in peace and unity, there should be no division between the poor and the rich.

Secondly, the government should prioritize feeding the poor. As a wise person once said, “Great men make great nations.” When the percentage of great men and women in a nation increases, the greatness of the nation also increases.

Therefore, the government needs to feed and empower the poor so that we can have an increased number of great men and women, which will significantly impact the greatness of our nation.

Thirdly, feeding the poor is also crucial to reduce or eliminate negative social vices such as stealing, violation of laws and order, drug trafficking, internet fraud, prostitution, and the like.

Poverty can lead people to engage in involuntary negative habits to survive. Therefore, the government, supported by various NGOs, needs to take action to prevent such negative vices, as communities and the nation as a whole will feel their impact.

The roles of the government and NGOs in feeding the poor are crucial

The government can create policies and procedures that prioritize the well-being of poor members of the population. It should also empower and partner with NGOs to reach out to those in need. The government can encourage NGOs and wealthy individuals to contribute to this cause by taking the lead in feeding the poor.

Seeking international aid and grants for the less privileged is also important. Encouraging partnerships between local and international NGOs and corporate bodies can enable seamless aid delivery to the poor. NGOs are expected to be transparent in their dealings and must be held accountable by the government in case of false dealings and mismanagement of funds.

Feeding the poor should be an ongoing process that leads to various empowerment solutions, ultimately transforming a poor individual into a productive member of society.

The role of the government and NGOs in feeding the poor is crucial for the growth and development of the nation, as reducing the number of impoverished individuals and increasing the number of productive citizens is essential for a nation’s progress.

As part of our core mandates, it is expedient we carry out this mass feeding project regularly to impact lives in the little way we can as an NGO in Nigeria. If you desire to be part of this God-given assignment one way or the other, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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