How to be a Generous Giver (Part 1)

how to be a generous giver part 1 and part 2 series by the supportive pillar foundation

Have you ever been in dire need of something you don’t have at your disposal? Who do you turn to when you happen to be in that situation? These questions give rise to whether you have at one point in your life given something to someone who needed that which you have.

Being a generous giver has the do with the manifestation of positive characters from physical, emotional and spiritual points of view. Generous giving undoubtedly comes from the heart. And givers never lack they do say.

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In this article, we will share some inspirational nuggets on how to be a generous giver, especially to the underprivileged.

Understand that the liberal soul shall be made fat

Givers with good motives are not permitted to lack.

The quote tells us for sure that the liberal soul shall be made fat but it doesn’t tell us how. Because the process that makes the giver fat, that is, blessed for giving is beyond human understanding. Like it is difficult to process in the mind how a seed sown dies and later becomes a fruit-bearing tree.

The way the generous giver is made fat is beyond human understanding however it is a sure event that will take place.

It is an eternal principle that the liberal soul shall be made fat.

Understand that man is both a giver and a receiver

For example, the air we breathe. We take in and let out and that strengthens and gives us life. Imagine all we do is take in oxygen without letting it out, that means death in a matter of time. Those who hold more than is due will come to lack but the giver gives life to himself and others with him.

Understand that Giving is a commandment of God

Scriptural commands are specially designed for the benefit of those who comply, the Bible encourages believers to give. It teaches that the benefit of giving outweighs the cost.

Those who obey the commandment to give have something to show for it. An example is John D Rockefeller. The American billionaire got supernatural healing by giving half of his fortune to the poor.

Understand that you attract God’s love and divine blessings by giving because God loves a cheerful giver.

You endear yourself to the heart of God when you give to lift others, help the needy, feed the poor, support the saints and advance God’s interest on the earth. This compels God to pour his love on you.

To be continued…

In the meantime, why not demonstrate to be a generous giver?

Yes, you can start by donating what you have to the poor and the needy. The Supportive Pillar Foundation’s main aim is to positively impact lives by reaching out to support orphans, widows and widowers, the jobless and other categories of the less privileged.

So, If you are led to support financially or through other means, please feel free to reach out to us. Your donations will be highly appreciated.

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Show 18 Comments


  1. Kolawole

    Awesome write up…,
    very informative and,
    Gives understanding more about giving.

  2. Favour Kaka

    Wow, I learnt from this.

  3. Abiola

    Lovely content. Instructive and insightful. I must be a cheerful giver. Well done SPF

  4. Adekunle Owolabi Joshua

    Very impactful and meaningful to those that have the understanding of giving,God bless the writer.

    • admin

      It pleases us to see you’re motivated by this article.

  5. Mrs. S.O. Mohammed

    Quite inspirational. Yes, God loves a cheerful giver, definitely givers never lack.

    May God bless the writer.

  6. Oladipupo funmilayo

    God bless you guys

  7. Oladipupo funmilayo

    God bless S p F God will continue to help you S PF

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