How to be a Generous Giver (Part 2)

how to be a generous giver part 1 and part 2 series by the supportive pillar foundation

In Part 1 of how to be a Generous Giver, We were shown that one of the ways to attract God’s love is to be a cheerful giver.

Giving is a universal principle applicable to all irrespective of age, colour, race e.t.c and the rewards are boundless.

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Now, let’s dive into part 2 series of how to be a generous giver. There are four key points we will look into.

1. Understand and comprehend the truth

It is more blessed to give than to receive. But, which do you like more? I guess your response is ‘to receive’.

Receiving communicates that you are loved and valued however the truth is, it is more blessed to give than to receive. Why?

  • Your giving works like a seed sown, you sow one seed, time passes and you come back to harvest what is inexhaustible by you, others have to come and enjoy the fruit with you. The fruit of giving extends beyond the giver.
  • Giving attracts seen and unseen forces to bless the giver. Just like seen and unseen forces co-act to see a seed sown bud and become a fruit-bearing tree. Seen and unseen forces in heaven and the earth are attracted and compelled to bless a giver.

2. Understand that God’s word backs up the Principle of giving

This is one major reason why the principle can’t fail to work. God’s word declares that whoever giveth receiveth, whoever sows will reap.

One of the leading Pentecostal leaders in Nigeria testified, “I decided to give some of my pairs of shoes out, and the next day I got lots of shoes beyond my need”.

The integrity of God’s word backs up the principle of giving hence, giving works and will continue to work. Give to the needy, sow acts of love, be a cheerful giver and watch how the events in your life play out. Test the genuineness of this truth.

3. Understand that you are blessed to bless others

Oh yes, Mankind is blessed to bless others, saved to save others, given life to give life to others, strengthened to help the weak and made rich to help the poor. You are a channel of blessings.

Anyone who maintains this mindset desires to help more and more people or attracts the resources needed to execute such a good mindset.

God is looking for those he can trust with resources to bless the needy. Liberal men also are looking for men to bless so they can rise and be a blessing to others.

Can you be trusted with God’s or men’s resources to help the poor, to support the widows, to educate orphans, and to build God’s agenda on the earth?

4. Understand that your gift creates room for you in the heart of the receiver of your gift

When you give to God or the needy, a room is created for you in their heart.

Each time you pop up in the receiver’s heart, it’s for blessings, prayers and divine remembrance. The one you have blessed remembers your act of love and gives thanks from his heart to God for you.

When you create a room in God’s heart through your kind acts, you attract God’s blessings.

Remember; a Generous soul shall be made fat.

So, are you inspired to start giving?

If you are led to want to start giving in cash or material, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For money transfers, you can also take advantage of the donate form below. No amount is too small! God bless you as you do so.

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