Impacts of Global Economic Disruption On NGOs

Impacts of Global Economic Disruption On NGOs

Making donations to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) is tied to the ability to donate to people in need but it’s imperative to consider the willingness to help others and not just in sympathy but in empathy knowing fully well that we are all human first.

As a non-profit organization, most NGOs face hurdles that could seem insurmountable because they don’t use public funds but, in most cases, NGOs depend on individual funds to carry out activities.

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Moreover, NGOs receives public fund, but the chances of receiving a public fund can not be traced to efficiency or public confidence. We can say that receiving these grants or awards in most cases is based on your contact/habits instead of merit.

Before we proceed, it is imperative to say that NGOs help to monitor, state performance thereby advocating for new policies or agenda that is suitable for humanity.

NGOs focus on different fields which include economy, development, environment and human rights.

What are the impacts of global economic disruption on NGOs?

In times of global economic disruption, NGOs are on the front line to subjugate what could be a severe case. For instance, during the Covid 19 period which made show the fragility and flaws of most healthcare systems in the world, we saw NGOs step up to assist.

During the second wave when many countries got hit by this virus, their health care falls short and many could not provide their citizens with lifesaving medical services and supplies. During this period, we saw some NGOs who stood up to offer immense support.

They played an indelible role by reinforcing the health infrastructures. Be it the case of fixing an oxygen plant or equipping medical supplies, they played an important role to help countries combat the pandemic.

However, during this pandemic, one major challenge that stood out is the NGO fund crisis. The lockdowns and other policies led to worldwide unemployment.

This and other issues affected the economy thereby triggering the pandemic’s limited donations. The dwindling fund in most cases poses a big threat to the survival of NGOs.

The impacts of global economic disruption on NGOs are huge as many of these non-profit organizations depend on free-will donations, public fundraising, collaborations with companies (sponsorship), and more.

The economic disruption that affects companies, individuals, and all have directly or indirectly affected their funding.

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is natures inexorable imperative.” – H. G.

Despite the impacts of global economic disruption on NGOs, the most important thing is to make the world a better place for all, the prevailing challenge notwithstanding.

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