Lessons on Greatness (Part 2)

Lessons on Greatness (Part 2)

This is the second part of a series of articles on lessons about achieving greatness, following part 1.


Great men are known to possess vast knowledge. Knowledge is both easy to acquire and invaluable.

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It’s easy because you can gain it from anyone, near or far, without necessarily sitting at the feet of a teacher. However, it’s costly because it’s an extremely valuable asset.

Every piece of knowledge, no matter how small, is still valuable. You’ll realize this when you need that little knowledge you thought was insignificant for something important.

Information is key, and every successful man knows this. The amount of information they have sets them apart from others.

As the wise saying goes, “The heart of the intelligent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

One Major Lesson on Greatness: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

Great men are characterized by their vast knowledge and the incessant desire to gain more knowledge.

The more knowledge they acquire, the greater their greatness. It is important to crave knowledge every day of your life. The moment you stop craving and learning, you are slowly inviting death.

A wise man once said, “The day you stop learning is the day you start dying.” Obtaining knowledge is essential to a person’s growth and greatness.

Growth and greatness can only come through learning the right things, knowing what others don’t know, hearing what others don’t hear, and acting swiftly on time for things that matter.

Access to knowledge is the secret behind the greatness of the great. It is crucial to be someone who craves knowledge and acquires accurate knowledge for your growth and greatness.

Lastly, sharing what you have learned and empowering others is important. We brought nothing into this world, and we will take nothing away with us except memories of the impact we had on the lives of others.

Emptying oneself to others, growing great, and impacting lives positively is the key to a fulfilling life.

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