My Brand: The Price For Premium Service

My Brand: The Price For a Premium Service

Over the years we’ve learnt that people don’t put a value on what they don’t pay for.

To become a thing that can be paid for, you must have reached a place called PREMIUM. In a personal brand, a premium is where you reach and understand the associated service inquiry.

When you’ve gotten to the place of Premium in your brand you get a reward or compensation for your service.

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Distinction positioning comes with a meticulous decision to tow a lone lane. One that’s based on the following principles:

  1. You are defining your brand and its core target. This must be based on empirical research on psychographics and inherent demographics.
  2. Segmenting your brand service and aligning same with the different target needs. People go for assistance to fill a cavity or a requirement.
  3. Consistently innovating to ensure your product or service is meeting the end of needs of people as it evolves. This is adequate for the long-term success of your brand.

Finally, posit yourself with self-discipline, and ensure you decline or disassociate your brand from what is not offering ( Value ). With this act, you’ve Positioned your brand to a place of Premium.

To reach the level of Premium, things must be to professional standards, guidelines, and the right team player that regulates the flow of information between your brand and your audience.

So to all SPF-empowered beneficiaries out there: How have you been positioning your brand for premium service payment? Kindly use the comment box below to air your opinion.

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