Promoting Small Businesses For Commercial Engagement Utilizing Marketing Skills (Part 2)

Promoting Small Businesses For Commercial Engagement Utilizing Marketing Skills (Part 2)

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The real strength of a small business depends on its ability to connect with its local community. This is where local marketing comes to play, targeting your efforts towards specific geographic areas can benefit your small business in different ways.

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Unfortunately, small businesses fail to take cognizance of the importance of their immediate community as they are a viable source of income which makes the small business the backbone of the local community.

Local marketing does not just reach the target market only but reaches people who are willing and able to purchase the products and services you offer.

Local marketing- is inexpensive as it stretches by offering low-cost channels for advertising. I.e- word of mouth, testimonial requests, paid ads like Google and Facebook ads, search engine optimization, and suggestions boxes.

Local marketing- is effective, spending less money to get more advertising means you get more value out of your marketing expense.

The competition for local customers is fierce so it is important to relate with customers within your local environment and winning these customers over requires a combination of digital marketing skills and in-person tactics.

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