Skill Acquisition And Personal Development

Skill Acquisition And Personal Development

Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success”~ George Herbert.

Today’s evolving world demands more hence it stresses on the importance of acquiring usable life skills that will aid survival and enhance the physical, artistic and emotional aspects of one’s life in this competitive world.

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Learning a new skill requires one to be willing to be experimental while at it, one might face failures and disappointments which will eventually prepare you to accept life’s eventuality gracefully and develop a never-give-up attitude.

Ultimately skill development helps instil emotional maturity which naturally makes one an independent thinker and gradually but firmly instils vital leadership skills which can equally help you excel in whatever sphere of your life choice.

Skill acquisition is the first step towards personal development. You need to know how to do something before you can improve upon it. If you want to become a better musician, you have to learn how to play the guitar. If you want to get better at writing, you have to write. To become a better person, you have to develop yourself.

Skill Acquisition is of two types; vocational and non-vocational skills.

  1. Vocational skills require knowledge and intelligence
  2. Non-vocational skills do not necessarily require knowledge and intelligence.

Today, there are many unemployed graduates in the world. One of the problems of the education system of Africa is that it does not give much room for skills development. There are so many benefits from skill acquisition, such as:

  1. Self-employment.
  2. Diverse job opportunities.
  3. Employment generation.
  4. Effective function
  5. Enhancement of activities
  6. Crime reduction.
  7. Wealth creation.

Some of the skills needed for these benefits listed above are; adaptive thinking, communication skills, collaboration skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, personal management, inquiry skills, technology skills, creativity and innovation, soft skills, empathy and perspective.

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