The Power of Disruptive Thinking

SPF COLLOQUIUM; The power of disruptive thinking

What is Disruptive Thinking?

It’s the thinking that challenges the traditional way of doing things in an organization, sector or even an entire market.
It’s the thinking that breaks away from the confines of routine, to get to a new larger perspective.

Routine can instil a sense of comfort and stability but it can also make someone blind and induce complacency.
“Learning and innovation go hand in hand”

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“The arrogance of success is to think what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” — William Pollard, English clergyman

Disruptive companies

  • Spotify displaced established players in the music industry, by shifting the industry away from physical sales towards subscription streaming services.
  • PayPal revolutionized the process of online payment.
  • Airbnb transformed the market of rental accommodation.
  • Uber transformed the cab industry.
  • Netflix disrupted the television industry.

How to think Disruptively

  1. Challenge the status quo: To behave or do things in a way contrary to that which is generally accepted or expected.

Challenging the status quo is defined as asking “WHY” and then identifying a new way of doing things.

  1. Get uncomfortable: This means, allowing yourself to look at situations, feelings and events in a different way from how you’ve been seeing them. Comfort is a threat to progress.
  2. Forget what other people think: Focus. Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
  1. Welcome failure: Failure means you’re trying. It toughens you up and brings you closer to your goal.
  2. Be bold – with wild abandon: Be courageous, and take those steps to do something different. Wear your boldness as a garment every day.
  3. “Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box.”

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