SPF SAP 4.0 Free Skill Acquisition Program Recap: Empowering Nigeria’s Future

SPF SAP 4.0 Free Skill Acquisition Program Recap ( Empowering Nigeria's Future)

Nigeria has the potential to become a major economic force, but a major challenge is the lack of practical skill development.

This issue doesn’t just result in a few missed job opportunities; it hampers the entire economy. 

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The lack of proper and adequate skills widens the economic gap. Individuals with skills are more likely to get a good job, while those lacking them often struggle to find good work and sometimes face unemployment or underemployment. This slows down the progress of the entire country, highlighting the need for skill acquisition and development to boost economic progress and close the gap.

Skill Acquisition and Personal Development in Nigeria


Skill acquisition is crucial in shaping people’s futures, providing them with the tools needed to navigate today’s complex world. It’s a transformative process of learning and refining specific skills that not only contribute to personal growth but also pave the way for professional success.

Understanding the significant impact skills have on both individuals and the economy, the Supportive Pillar Foundation, a non-governmental organization that advocates for the importance of skills acquisition to empower people to succeed in the current economic environment, initiated a comprehensive skill acquisition program aimed at equipping individuals with the essential competencies needed to thrive in today’s competitive job market and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

The Supportive Pillar Foundation Free Skill Acquisition Program has been a beacon of hope and empowerment for individuals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge. Since its inception in 2020, this program has been instrumental in equipping participants with valuable skills in various fields such as catering and hotel management, baking and pastries, bag making, digital marketing, fascinator and turban, event planning and decoration, soap making, hairdressing, makeup and gele, and tailoring.

SPF SAP 4.0 Free Skill Acquisition Program Recap

The fourth edition of the Skill Acquisition Program took place from July 22nd to August 2nd, 2024, demonstrating the foundation’s dedication to providing valuable learning opportunities. Since its establishment, the program has trained and equipped over 700 individuals with essential skills in various fields.

This edition builds on the success of previous programs, with more than 250 registrants accessing an expanded range of courses and resources to further support participants in developing practical skills for their personal and professional growth. During this two-week program, participants engaged in a variety of skills, enhancing their abilities and gaining hands-on experience.

During this two-week program, participants dive into a variety of skills, sharpening their abilities and gaining hands-on experience.

The impact of the program was made even more profound by the dedication of our facilitators. Despite the demands of running their businesses, these experts generously committed their time and resources to training the participants. Their unwavering support and depth of knowledge significantly enriched the learning experience, providing participants with insights and practical skills that extend beyond traditional classroom settings. This commitment not only enhanced the participants’ skills but also inspired them to strive for excellence in their chosen fields.

Age-Defying Passion

One especially inspiring moment during the two-week program was when an elderly man, defying societal expectations, made the courageous decision to learn tailoring.

Despite being in a stage of life where many might feel it’s too late to start something new, he chose to embark on this fresh and exciting journey. His decision sends a powerful and uplifting message: that age should never be a barrier to following one’s passions or acquiring new skills. His unwavering dedication and bravery are truly motivational, serving as a reminder that the human spirit is boundless and capable of growth at any stage in life.

This man’s journey is not just about learning a new craft; it’s a testament to the belief that the pursuit of knowledge and personal development is a lifelong endeavor. His story resonates deeply, proving that no matter how old we are, we can always embrace new challenges, broaden our horizons, and enrich our lives.

His experience underscores the idea that it’s never too late to reinvent oneself, to embrace learning, and to follow one’s dreams. In doing so, he has become a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating that the pursuit of growth, knowledge, and self-improvement remains a worthy and attainable goal, regardless of the years one has lived.

Highlights of The Graduation Ceremony

Certificates were awarded to all participants, acknowledging their hard work and dedication throughout the program. 

Those who excelled were allowed to attend an exclusive master class, designed to further refine their skills and deepen their expertise. Following the master class, the top participants will be empowered with the necessary equipment they need to succeed in their respective fields. The atmosphere during the ceremony radiated pride and achievement, with participants looking forward to applying their newfound knowledge in real-world settings.

Adding to the significance of the event, Arise TV News came to cover the graduation ceremony, highlighting the impact and success of the program. The media coverage captured the enthusiasm and celebration, showcasing the transformative effects of the training. 

One of the distinguished guests at the high table during his speech expressed his commitment to collaborate more with the Supportive Pillar Foundation for future outreach initiatives. Inspired by the dedication and results of the program, he also made a generous donation that day to further support the foundation’s mission, reinforcing the day’s celebratory and inspiring atmosphere.

Bridging Gaps Through Skill Development


The Supportive Pillar Foundation Skill Acquisition Programme 4.0 stands as a powerful testament to the transformative impact of skill development in today’s rapidly evolving world. Through this program, individuals are equipped with essential skills, enabling them to not only improve their personal and professional lives but also contribute meaningfully to their communities. 

By offering access to comprehensive training and development opportunities, the program empowers participants to unlock their full potential, leading to increased employability and entrepreneurial success. This, in turn, fosters a culture of lifelong learning where individuals are motivated to continually enhance their knowledge and capabilities.

Moreover, the Free Skill Acquisition Program plays a crucial role in bridging the economic gap by providing people from diverse backgrounds with the means to achieve financial independence. As participants gain valuable skills that are in high demand in the labour market, they are better positioned to secure higher-paying jobs or even create their own businesses.

This not only improves their economic standing but also stimulates local economies, contributing to broader socio-economic development. 

Ultimately, by empowering individuals to take control of their economic futures, the Supportive Pillar Foundation is making a lasting impact on both personal lives and the larger community, helping to create a more equitable and prosperous society.

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