SPF Free Skills Acquisition 2.0 RECAP


There’s nothing more gratifying than imagining how much of an impact we make when we transform lives through empowerment.

Supportive Pillar Foundation embarked on a free skill acquisition training in 2021 which featured the first-ever edition of the scheme to create and promote self-employment, wealth generation, diverse job opportunities and self-reliance for the benefit of not just the participants but our immediate society at large.

Supportive Pillar Foundation Bank Details For Support Donations

This year the foundation kicked off the second edition of the scheme with a comprehensive interview and screening session of participants for the intensive training session that lasted for two weeks.

Focusing on vocational courses and skills development the program was able to cover different fields in; events planning and decorations, shoe making and cobbling, Hairdressing and styling, Digital marketing and networking, Make-up artistry, catering, millinery, fashion designing, home management and agricultural business system.

With an attendance of almost two hundred participants, at the tail end of the training session participants in the different classes were required to come up with project ideas to back up their accomplishments in the scheme.

Over time, in recognition of outstanding performance during the period of the training, the best-graduating students in each class were rewarded with both a monetary gift and equipment tools for personal set up.

Supportive Pillar Foundation did have a swell time these past weeks by engaging and empowering not just young adults but also having to reach out to at least one member in different classifications in our immediate community.

“Learning a new skill can change hundreds of cortical connections”.

Michael Merzenich

To our donors/sponsors/facilitators we are grateful for your recent contribution towards the success of the second edition of this great scheme as we could not have succeeded without your support and generosity. Your kind gesture went a long way in putting smiles on the faces of our participants as we were able to achieve our objectives.

On behalf of the entire SPF team, we say “Thank You”.

Some of the Images and Video from the just concluded 2022 SPF FREE SKILL ACQUISITION PROGRAM final daY

Follow us on Instagram for more interesting updates on the second edition of the SPF 2022 skill acquisition program.

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