The 3 Pillars of Giving: Time, Talent & Treasure

The 3 Pillars of Giving

The wonderful thing about giving is that there are countless ways to make a difference in the world. While there is no wrong way to be generous, you might discover that by utilizing your skills and creativity, you will walk away with a more fulfilling experience. We believe that the three 3 pillars of giving are Time, Talent, and Treasure. Continue to read to know more.


Time is a valuable resource that we can never get back once it’s gone. That’s why the gift of time is universally treasured. Giving your time to help others is a meaningful form of giving. This can take the form of direct, hands-on service such as tutoring children at a homeless shelter, or indirect service.

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Feel free to develop and share your skills and professional knowledge to give back to your community or wherever it’s needed. For instance, a doctor could offer free office hours at a local clinic, or an investment advisor could manage the endowment of a charity.

Donating your talent is not just for philanthropists; it’s valuable because it provides a service or knowledge that’s often out of reach for those who need it.


While many people think of generosity, they consider donating their treasure—a euphemism for money or other gadgets with value. Even though money is the most common kind of charitable donation, it may also come in the form of real estate, collectables, and greater.

One of the benefits of establishing a charitable donation is that you’re capable of donating in myriad other ways, including through grants, scholarships, and many more.

Generosity can take many exclusive forms. As the nation’s largest provider of support service, every day we see inspiring examples of the variety and creativity that can make giving so impactful for the recipient – and rewarding for the giver.

The common ways to give are in time, talent, and treasure – an idea of Biblical origin reinforcing that all persons are capable of sharing with others and may do so in many ways.

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