The Hand That Gives Hope And Raises Pillars

the hand that gives hope and raises pillars

Kamia Taylor once said and I quote “You can be the most disciplined, brilliant, and even wealthy individual in the world, but if you don’t care or empathise with other people, then you are basically nothing but a sociopath.

Bringing hope to people, in whatever form, can go a long way. It can come in form of giving words of encouragement, extending a helping hand or showing kindness in any way that can help lift their spirits.
Figuratively, HAND means HELP. Everyone on earth needs help in one way or the other. Help is inevitable in the journey of every man’s life. When you help someone in the midst of trials, you’ve restored the intangible feeling called HOPE because it is easy to lose it during trying times.

Supportive Pillar Foundation Bank Details For Support Donations

Invariably, when the life of an individual keeps swinging like a pendulum with the uncertainty of what tomorrow beholds, such an individual needs a Hand of Hope. When you stretch out your hand to help others, you’ve indirectly given another being a reason to live.

Whether they say it or not, people need a helping hand. We all do. If you know a friend or just anyone who needs any type of help, be there for them. No matter how little help you can offer, it will mean so much to someone who is struggling.

Refuse to be a sociopath in society, in your community, and be intentional in stretching your hand of hope to someone in need of it.

A Clarion Call For Support: To Be the hand that gives hope and raises pillars

Speaking of the hand that gives hope and raises pillars, we at the Supportive Pillar Foundation have made it a duty to constantly help the helpless financially, and materially through organizing outreaches, or by empowering as many as possible in our communities that need financial freedom.

The SPF Team is using this medium to plead with the well-to-dos among us to join us in raising pillars together by donating whatever God puts in your hands and lays in your heart. Be part of the hands that give hope regularly.

Kindly visit our donation page for financial support or contact us for more inquiries.

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Show 6 Comments


  1. Ope

    Well said! Keep up the good work SPF

  2. Kolawole

    What a word on a Marble 👌💯

  3. Favour Kaka

    SPF to the world❤️❤️🥳

  4. Favour Kaka

    SPF to the world❤️❤️🥳

  5. Adekunle Wunmi

    Keep the good work SPF.God bless you all 👊

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