The Rare Kind: Helper of Widows

The Rare Kind - Helper of Widows (VOL 3)

God Almighty is the Helper of Widows and He wants mankind also to replicate the same to victims here on earth.

The word of the sages in the holy book says; Honour widows that are widows indeed. That we should take care of widows who are destitute.

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Honour extends from basic respect, all the way to financial and material provision.

The book of James summarizes God’s compassion, love, and mercy for the widows.

It went further to say in James 1:27 – that, Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this:

To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

To visit orphans and widows is a vital part of the verse.

We were admonished to take very good care of the widows. And majorly to visit them, by doing this not only are we honouring God but we are also doing ourselves good.

There is a joy within, a joy that comes from putting smiles on people’s faces and being a blessing to humanity.

We have to make a deliberate effort to reach out to the homeless, the fatherless, and the wise always.

These visits should be deliberate, involving regular personal contact and practical involvement with those in need.

Our visit and reaching out to them most times bring joy to their soul, lift their spirit, take away their loneliness, and remind them that some still care so much about them.

God himself holds them in high esteem, we should do the same by being compassionate to them Ps.68.5 – Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in his holy house.

Being loving, caring, helpful and supportive. We shouldn’t hold back financial support from them.

We need to also provide for their basic needs.

Let’s not neglect so great and previous ministry, a ministry so dear to God’s heart.

That’s why Supportive Pillar Foundation is so special and one of the Rare Kinds. We visited widows in our last outreach for February 2023. A special visit at that. We took them by surprise going to their homes to feel with them, pray with them and give them packages as a show of Love to them.

With the support of our partners and donors all around the world. We were able to visit more than 5 locations in Lagos State impacting more than 50 widows.

We are grateful to God and all our partners and donors for helping us to impact lives.

And to those who are reading this article and would also like to be supportive one way or the other, you have also been empowered by God to be a helper of the widows. You can support us as well through the channel(s) provided below.

The 11th edition of SPF Widows’ Support Scheme is here!

With the high inflation hitting hard in the country, widows are facing immense challenges.

Supportive Pillar Foundation Bank Details For Support Donations

It’s tough out there for them, trying to make ends meet for themselves and their little ones, dealing with money worries and even struggling to afford healthy meals daily.

We’re calling on your generosity to help us make a difference.

The Supportive Pillar Foundation organizes the Nigerian Widows Support Scheme every quarter in remote regions of Lagos and other parts of Nigeria.

We kindly request your generous contributions to support this project, regardless of the amount donated.

Thank you.

For Sponsorship and Donation;
Bank Name: FCMB
Account Number: 7113457018
Account Name: Supportive Pillar Foundation

Or, click on the ‘Any Amount’ button below and input the amount of your choice to donate online.

Thank you for being a vital part of our mission.

Event date: September 28th 2024

Time: 9 AM Prompt!

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Donation Total: ₦ 20,000.00

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